Is someone turning 40, and you’re looking for some funny quotes to make them laugh? I’m here to help.
Even if your girl has made it to the age of forty, she doesn’t want to feel old. Why should she? She is still young and beautiful after all.
Also if your family member or friend is turning forty this year, help them celebrate their birthday with these humorous quotes that are designed to make their day just that little bit brighter.
Funny 40th Birthday Quotes Female
“Forty is the new twenty, but with much better judgment.”

“Forty? No problem! I’ve got enough wine to make it through.”
“It took me 40 years to look this good. You’re welcome.”
Happy 39th anniversary of your 21st birthday!
“They say life begins at 40, but I’m still waiting for the instruction manual.”
“Forty: the age when your pants finally match your personality.”
“I’m not 40, I’m 18 with 22 years of experience.”
“The only thing better than turning 40 is not turning 41.”
“Turning 40 is like upgrading from a Kia to a Mercedes. You’re still you, but just a bit fancier.”
“Forty isn’t old, it’s retro!”
“Happy 40th birthday! You’re not over the hill yet, just approaching the peak.”

“They say age is just a number, but so is the Richter scale.”
“40: the age when your back goes out more than you do.”
“It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the wrinkles in your laugh lines.”
“Don’t worry about turning 40, you’re still hot… just in flashes.”
Forty is when you finally have the money to buy all the things you wanted when you were young… but can’t remember what they were.”
“Happy 40th birthday! You’ve aged like a fine wine… slightly bitter, but full-bodied.”
40 is the age when you realize that you can’t party like you used to, but you can still nap like a champ.
“They say 40 is the new 30. If that’s true, can I still be carded for wine?”
“At 40, you’re still young enough to do anything you want… as long as you remember what that was.”
Turning 40 Funny Quotes
“Forty isn’t old, if you’re a tree.”

“At 40, life just gets better… like a fine wine, or a stinky cheese.”
“I’m not 40, I’m 18 with 22 years of experience.”
Turning 40 is like finally getting the hang of a game, just as they change the rules.
“Forty is the new thirty, until you try to run a mile.”
“They say 40 is the new 20, but my hangovers beg to differ.”
“At 40, you’re not old… you’re just a classic.”
“Forty is when your body gives you a reality check, and your mind says, ‘I told you so.'”
“The best thing about turning 40 is that you can finally afford the things you wanted in your 20s… like naps and comfortable shoes.”
“Forty is when you realize that the things you once thought were impossible, like a hangover lasting more than a day, are now very possible.”
“At 40, you’re old enough to know better but young enough to do it anyway.”

“They say life begins at 40, but I’m pretty sure it’s just when the warranty on your body expires.”
“At 40, you’re finally mature enough to realize that maturity isn’t everything.”
“Forty is when you start taking fashion advice from your orthopedic shoes.”
“Turning 40 is like getting a free trial of old age… and realizing you’re not ready to buy it.”
“At 40, you’re like a superhero… but instead of saving the world, you’re just trying to make it to the weekend.
“They say 40 is the new 30… but I still can’t figure out how to work my smartphone.”
“Forty is when you start to realize that ‘mid-life crisis’ is just a fancy term for ‘I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.'”
“At 40, you start to feel like a fine wine… full-bodied, complex, and likely to give you a headache in the morning.”
“They say 40 is the new 20, but if that’s true, can I still be carded for wine?”
40th Birthday Wishes Funny
“Happy 40th birthday! You’re not old, you’re just 20 with 20 years of experience.”

“Congratulations on finally turning 40! Now you can officially start using the phrase ‘back in my day.'”
“Happy 40th birthday! Don’t worry, you’re still young enough to do something crazy and blame it on a midlife crisis.”
“Here’s to another year of pretending that we’re still in our 20s. Happy 40th birthday!”
“At 40, you’re not over the hill, you’re just taking a scenic route.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May all your dreams come true… except for the one where you have to go back to high school.”
“Turning 40 is like upgrading from a tricycle to a bicycle with training wheels.”
“Happy 40th birthday! Don’t worry, 40 is just the new 30… with more aches and pains.”
“At 40, you’re like a fine wine… except sometimes you’re more like a box of wine.”
“Happy 40th birthday! Now you can officially blame your forgetfulness on ‘senior moments.'”
“At 40, you start to realize that getting carded for alcohol is a distant memory… unless you’re at a really strict bar.”

“Happy 40th birthday! May your joints be as flexible as your sense of humor.”
“At 40, you’re like a superhero… except your superpower is being able to fall asleep anywhere, anytime.”
“Happy 40th birthday! You’re not old, you’re just well-seasoned.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’ve reached an age where the only thing you’re growing is your collection of aches and pains.”
“Happy 40th birthday! Don’t worry, you’re not getting older, you’re just leveling up.”
“At 40, you start to realize that life is too short to take yourself too seriously. So let’s have some fun and eat some cake!”
“Happy 40th birthday! Here’s to another year of trying to keep up with the young ones… and failing spectacularly.”
“At 40, you start to realize that the things you once thought were impossible, like a hangover lasting more than a day, are now very possible.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with laughter, joy, and lots and lots of wine.
Funny 40th Birthday Quotes
“Forty isn’t old, it’s just a little dusty.”

“Happy 40th birthday! You’re not over the hill, you’re just beginning the ascent.”
At 40, you’re like a classic car… vintage, valuable, and in need of some maintenance.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of ibuprofen.”
“At 40, you start to realize that the only thing you’re good at is pretending that you know what you’re doing.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your wrinkles be as few as your dreams are big.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not old, you’re just young at heart… and old everywhere else.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your day be filled with cake, laughter, and the realization that you’re officially middle-aged.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not aging gracefully, you’re just pretending that you are.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and a few more years before you have to start wearing support hose.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not wise, you’re just experienced… and a little bit tired.”

“Happy 40th birthday! May your sense of humor be as sharp as your sense of hearing is dull.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not getting older, you’re just getting better… at complaining.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your hair be as full as your heart, and your wrinkles as few as your responsibilities.”
“At 40, you start to realize that life is like a roll of toilet paper… the closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and a little bit of Botox.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not old, you’re just wise enough to know that you don’t know anything.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and a few more years before you have to start wearing reading glasses.
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not middle-aged, you’re just approaching the peak of your awkwardness.”
“Happy 40th birthday! May your life be filled with love, laughter, and a few more years before you have to start wearing compression socks.”
Funny 40th Birthday Captions
“I’m not 40, I’m 18 with 22 years of experience.”

“Life begins at 40… and so does the midlife crisis.”
“I’m not over the hill, I’m just taking the scenic route.”
“40 and still fabulous… just with a little more creaks and cracks.”
“Age is just a number… and mine happens to be 40.”
“40 is the new 20… minus the energy and metabolism.”
“I’m not old, I’m just chronologically gifted.”
“Turning 40 is a piece of cake… just one with a lot more candles.”
“I may be 40, but I still feel like a teenager… until I try to stay up past 10 pm.”
“Forty, flirty, and thriving… just with a few more wrinkles.”
“Life is too short to be anything but fabulous at 40.”

“40 is just a number… until you have to start wearing reading glasses.”
“I’m not aging, I’m just maturing like a fine wine… or a smelly cheese.”
“Forty and fabulous… just with a little more sag and drag.”
“I’m not getting older, I’m just leveling up.”
“40 and still rockin’ it… just with a little more back pain.”
“Age is a case of mind over matter… if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter… until you turn 40.”
“I’m not in denial about turning 40… I’m just avoiding the reality of it.”
“Forty is the new 30… just with a little more responsibility and regret.”
“I may be 40, but I still have the heart of a 20-year-old… and the knees of an 80-year-old.”
40th Birthday Sayings
“Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.”

“It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.”
The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.
“Life is a journey, and at 40, you’re just getting started on the best part.”
“Aging is an inevitable part of life, but growing old is optional.”
“The wrinkles on your face are a map of the life you’ve lived, and at 40, it’s a pretty great map so far.”
“You’re not just 40, you’re 40 years young, full of wisdom, and ready to take on the world.”
“Life is like a fine wine, it gets better with age… and so do you.”
“At 40, you’re not just aging gracefully, you’re aging awesomely.”
“You’re not getting older, you’re just getting better… like a fine cheese or a vintage wine.”
“Age is just a number, but at 40, it’s a number that comes with a lot of experience and wisdom.”

“The best part of turning 40 is that you’ve learned to appreciate the simple things in life… like a good night’s sleep and comfortable shoes.”
“At 40, you’re not just a survivor, you’re a thriver.”
“Forty is the age when you start to realize that you’re not invincible, but you’re still pretty darn resilient.”
“The best way to celebrate 40 years is to embrace your age, your experience, and your fabulousness.”
“At 40, you’re not just living your best life, you’re living your most authentic life.”
“Forty is the perfect age to start pursuing your dreams with reckless abandon and a sense of humor.”
“Age is an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace all of the wonderful things that life has to offer.”
“The older you get, the more valuable you become… like a rare coin or a priceless work of art.
“Forty is the age when you start to realize that your best years are still ahead of you.”
Turning 40 Humor
“At 40, your mind starts to wander… but your memory doesn’t come along for the ride.”

“Turning 40 is like reaching the top of the hill… and realizing there’s another hill on the other side.”
“At 40, you start to understand why they call it ‘middle age’… because it feels like you’re stuck in the middle of everything.”
“Turning 40 is like hitting the snooze button on the aging process… but eventually, you’re going to have to wake up and face reality.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not old… you’re just chronologically challenged.”
“Turning 40 is like opening a new chapter in the book of life… but the font is smaller and the print is blurry.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not invincible… but you can still party like you are.”
“Turning 40 is like upgrading to a new version of yourself… but the bugs are still being worked out.”
“At 40, you start to appreciate the little things in life… like naps, stretchy pants, and earplugs.”
“Turning 40 is like being a teenager again… only with more wrinkles and a lot less energy.”
“At 40, you start to realize that your metabolism has slowed down… but your appetite hasn’t.”

“Turning 40 is like reaching the peak of your awesomeness… and then wondering if you left the stove on.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you’re not getting older… you’re just getting more experienced at being awesome.”
“Turning 40 is like reaching the halfway point of your life… and realizing that you still haven’t found the instruction manual.”
“At 40, you start to realize that your bucket list is longer than your lifespan… but you’re going to have fun trying to check everything off anyway.”
“Turning 40 is like discovering a new continent… only to find out that it’s already been explored by everyone else.”
“At 40, you start to realize that your idea of a wild night is staying up past 10 pm.”
“Turning 40 is like being a fine wine… but with more sediment and cork bits.”
“At 40, you start to realize that you can’t drink like you used to… but you’re willing to test that theory anyway.”
“Turning 40 is like realizing that you’re still a work in progress… but at least you’re making progress.”
40th Birthday Slogans
“Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.”

“It’s not the years in your life that count, it’s the life in your years.”
“The first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.”
“Life is a journey, and at 40, you’re just getting started on the best part.”
“Aging is an inevitable part of life, but growing old is optional.”
“The wrinkles on your face are a map of the life you’ve lived, and at 40, it’s a pretty great map so far.”
“You’re not just 40, you’re 40 years young, full of wisdom, and ready to take on the world.”
“Life is like a fine wine, it gets better with age… and so do you.”
“At 40, you’re not just aging gracefully, you’re aging awesomely.”
“You’re not getting older, you’re just getting better… like a fine cheese or a vintage wine.”
“Age is just a number, but at 40, it’s a number that comes with a lot of experience and wisdom.”

“The best part of turning 40 is that you’ve learned to appreciate the simple things in life… like a good night’s sleep and comfortable shoes.”
“At 40, you’re not just a survivor, you’re a thriver.”
“Forty is the age when you start to realize that you’re not invincible, but you’re still pretty darn resilient.”
“The best way to celebrate 40 years is to embrace your age, your experience, and your fabulousness.”
“At 40, you’re not just living your best life, you’re living your most authentic life.”
“Forty is the perfect age to start pursuing your dreams with reckless abandon and a sense of humor.”
“Age is an opportunity to learn, grow, and embrace all of the wonderful things that life has to offer.”
“The older you get, the more valuable you become… like a rare coin or a priceless work of art.”
“Forty is the age when you start to realize that your best years are still ahead of you.”
40th Birthday Slogans
“Fabulous at 40”

“Life begins at 40”
“40 and thriving”
“40 never looked so good”
“40 years young”
“Age is just a number, 40 is just a milestone”
“40 is the new 30”
“40 and still fabulous”
“Embrace the 4-0”
“40 is the new fabulous”
“40 is the perfect age for a new adventure”

“Life is too short to be anything but 40”
“40 and fine like wine”
“40 and still feeling naughty”
“40 is the new prime”
“Don’t panic, it’s just 40”
“It took me 40 years to look this good”
“I’m not getting older, I’m just leveling up to 40”
“40 is just the beginning of the best part of your life”
“40 years of awesomeness”
How can I use these funny 40th birthday quotes for females?
These quotes are great for adding humor to a birthday card, speech, or social media post. They can also be used to create custom gifts such as mugs or t-shirts.
Can I modify these quotes to fit my specific situation?
Yes! These quotes are just a starting point. Feel free to modify them to fit your recipient’s personality or interests.
Is it appropriate to use these quotes for someone I don’t know well?
While humor can be subjective, these quotes are generally lighthearted and appropriate for most recipients. However, it’s always a good idea to keep the recipient’s personality and sense of humor in mind before using any quote.
Are these quotes only for females turning 40?
While these quotes were curated specifically for females turning 40, many of them can be adapted for any gender or age group.
How many quotes should I use for a birthday card or speech?
There’s no set number of quotes to use, but it’s best to use a few quotes that resonate with your recipient and your message. Too many quotes can be overwhelming and take away from the overall impact of your message.
40th birthday is a special event that should be celebrated with joy and laughter. These 160 funny quotes for females are a great way to add humor and lightheartedness to any 40th birthday celebration.
So, go ahead and use these quotes to bring a smile to your loved one’s face on their special day. Remember, getting older doesn’t have to be a downer – it’s just another opportunity to enjoy life.
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