Kevin Roshon Samuels was an internet personality, image consultant and polarizing figure. He rose to fame in 2020 and gained popularity through his YouTube and Instagram live streams discussing modern society and relationships.
Here we list some of his best quotes.
“Kevin Roshon Samuels was an American Internet Personality and Image Consultant” – Kevin Samuels
“A woman who’s smart and cooperative but not agreeable is kind of useless. Cause she’ll only cooperate when she agrees.” – Kevin Samuels
“Fashion and style have always been passions of mine for as long as I can remember. And a background in professional sales as well as in advertising and marketing was real-world training for just how important your appearance is to your success.” – Kevin Samuels

“Ladies understand something when a man asks you out on a date he’s asking to have sex! If you don’t wanna have sex with him don’t go on a date with him.” – Kevin Samuels
“I don’t care about your pride. You can’t be proud and broke ate the same time.” – Kevin Samuels
“We have gotten to the point that for the most part, we don’t know how to relate to each other. We know how to swipe left, swipe right, hook up and get on.” – Kevin Samuels
“I’m not telling you can’t do a damn thing. You can act however you want to act and you get the outcomes you get.” – Kevin Samuels
“Gentlemen, if a woman is not good for your ego, get rid of her.” – Kevin Samuels
“The first thing I tell guys I coach is that we have to get brutally honest about where you are and where you want to get to. – Kevin Samuels
Understand how far that is and put in the work.” – Kevin Samuels

Life Quotes from Kavin Samuels
“If a woman decides to go on a date with any man after the hours of 5 p.m., intimacy should be on the menu. However, if the intention of the woman is to keep the relationship with the man ‘strictly platonic’, the time frame of noon to 3 p.m. is more suitable.” – Kevin Samuels

“Making a man in your present pay for stuff in your past equals no future.” – Kevin Samuels
“You act on what you know and how you know how to do things, that’s why I would never begrudge my ex-wives.” – Kevin Samuels
“Ladies, you wonder why your man steps out and exercise his options? Because you ain’t meeting his needs.” – Kevin Samuels
I need you to get fit, feminine, friendly cooperative and submissive in order to find a man. – Kevin Samuels
“So many modern women today cannot deliver the girlfriend experience. That’s why you don’t get the wife’s treatment. The girlfriend experience is respect, affection, support, peace and tranquility.” – Kevin Samuels
“We’re shocked because people don’t tell women the truth these days. Men get told the truth all the time, women have no problem telling a man, I don’t want an average man it happens every day on my show. TLC said they don’t want no scrubs and we have no problem telling average men you ain’t crap but if I just happen to have the nerve to agree with the woman that says she’s average then I’m Satan.” – Kevin Samuels
“Men get told every day where they rank, they get rejected all the time. Men know what they quote unquote qualify for, but women for the last 30- 40 years have been told you can have it all whenever you want no matter how you are. And they’ve been given an unrealistic expectation of their actual sexual marketplace value.” – Kevin Samuels
“I think a lot of mixed messages are getting sent out to women. When I come out and say something that we talk about on the basketball court, in the barbershop, in the gym, at buffalo wild wings amongst men that we accept to be true, it’s shocking. Its like well who do you think these boyfriends and husbands are going to come from, they’re not going to come from this infinitely small group of musicians and attorneys and athletes. It’s going to come from the regular guys over here or maybe the above-average guys over here.” – Kevin Samuels

“Women for the last 30 to 40 years have been told they can have it all whenever they want, no matter how they are. And they’ve been given an unrealistic expectation of their actual sexual marketplace value.” – Kevin Samuels
“Women like you die alone, straight up, because you think you’re better than the men that you qualify for. And the only reason honestly, ma’am, that I can see a woman like yourself really thinking you deserve more is because you earn more money than most people around you in North Carolina. High value men don’t care about your money, not the kind of men that you want. We don’t care about your money, it ain’t ours. We care about the fact that you are older, and you got kids and you’re average in looks.” – Kevin Samuels
Details about Kevin Samuels
Name | Kevin Roshon Samuels |
Nickname | Samuels |
Born | 13 March 1965 |
Country | Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States |
Nationality | American |
Religion | Pisces |
School | Millwood High School |
College | University of Oklahoma |
Education | Graduate in Chemical Engineering |
Height | 6’2″. (1.8 m) |
Spouse | Kyra Sedgwick |
Children | Sosie Bacon |
Occupation | Internet personality. Image consultant. Life Coach. Dating Expert |